
Monday, May 16, 2011

Great Things-Grace, Sugar Momma's

These were the fabulous cookies we were sent!

Do you love cookies?  What about art?  Do you think it would be fabulous to find a place that wonderfully combines the two?  We've found it!

Somehow, when I was cruising through facebook, I came upon Grace, Sugar Momma.  I saw amazingly, beautifully, decorated cookies.  I scanned through her pictures and her wall. She said she sometimes sent out samples for people to try her cookies.  Well, Jill and I were in.  We wanted to try them.  I sent her my information and within days received a box of four beautifully decorated cookies.

Four cookies divided by two families (Jill's and mine) meant sharing two cookies per family.  They were like gold.  The girls and I divied the first cookie up between the three of us. It was so beautiful, I was reluctant to eat it.  Well, GraciAnn and Mariella dove right in.  Mariella proclaimed, "Yummy!" and GraciAnn asked for more. I explained that one of the three remaining cookies was for Daddy to try and the other two were Mrs. Jill's.  GraciAnn was POSITIVE Mrs. Jill wouldn't mind sharing her cookies with her.  I was positive Mrs. Jill would mind. John and I shared the last cookie when the girls were in bed (smart, I know!) and I gave Jill the other two to try.

This is what we all agreed on: the cookies were beautiful and the almond flavored icing was amazing!  I approached Grace about being featured as a "Great Thing" on our blog. She agreed and even offered to do a giveaway!  She will be giving the lucky winner 4-6 beautifully decorated butterfly cookies iced with her signature almond flavored icing. 
You could win beautiful butterfly cookies, like these!

Here's what Grace wants to share with you about herself and her new business:

** I am a professionally trained fine artist who put her training to good use in the kitchen.  I am a self taught cake-cookie decorator.  The baking talents comes from many generations of amazing cooks. 
Just a couple weeks ago I "officially" opened an Etsy store.  It took me WEEKS to figure out what I was doing and I was scared too because it's unknown territory for me but I realized if I ever plan on taking off as a mail-order business THIS was the place to start.
I haven't sold anything yet but I have faith in the quality of my products.  I take great pride in what I do, as an artist.  Every thing I make is a piece of me so quality control is through the roof!!  LOL
My ultimate goal is to do this full time so I can be with my family (I have 1 son, Jaymes 12y).  I currently have a full time "day" job and bake full time at "night" as well as do all my "Mom Jobs" at home too.  I am truly blessed, in so many ways Praise God, and thankful of the friends I have made on my little journey.  The opportunity you and Jill have offered me is an answered prayer to help get me closer to my ultimate goal of staying home with my family :)
Most of my orders come from word of mouth and free samples I offer periodically via FB.  Because I take great pride in my products and believe "Customer Service" is a lost art form the clients I do have are loyal and repeat for every family occasion that comes up - cookies, cakes, cupcakes and just because they have a craving.  I am not expensive and go out of my way to provide them with the best I can and it has paid me back in return.  Every penny I make goes right back in to sending out more samples and getting my name out there.

These are perfect for wedding favors!
Okay, now it's up to you!  Let's get this contest started! You will have 5 chances to comment in an effort to win cookies, delivered to your door!
Comment 1: Visit Grace, Sugar Momma's at etsy and tell us what you like best. (mandatory entry) 
Comment 2:  Follow Our Seven Dwarfs via email or RSS feed. (mandatory entry-see sidebar)
Comment 3: Become a facebook fan of Grace, Sugar Momma's and tell us you are.
Comment 4: Like us on facebook and tell us you do!
Comment 5: Follow us on blogger and tell us you do! (see sidebar)
Make sure you have separate entries for each comment! You can enter until Saturday, May 21st at 11:59 pm. We will announce the winner on Sunday, May 22nd.
Grace is offering our followers an exclusive 15% off discount.  Use the code OSD15 at checkout.  Her cookies make great gifts!
Once you are a facebook fan of Grace, Sugar Momma's, you will be automatically registered for ongoing milestone raffles.  The latest one is at 285 fans.  She will give away a Father's Day Cookie Set in their choice of Golf, BBQ, Football or Tools.
What a great gift for golfers!
We're pretty sure our followers will help Grace reach this 285 fan milestone, this week! Well Grace, we are so glad we are able to give you this opportunity.  We can't wait for our readers to visit your etsy store and see what they'd like to try!