
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Triple Stitch Crocheted Baby Blanket

I love making baby blankets for friends and family who are expecting.  The process can sometimes be a love-hate relationship.  I love making blankets, but hate how long it takes to complete just one.  As you know, I have issues focusing.  If I focused for a few nights, it wouldn't take me near as long.

I've gotten away from my old tried and true pattern and have started experimenting with new ones.  This pattern was from Kristi of RAKJ Patternss and is called the Triple Stitch Blanket.   Kristi has some great patterns and she is always offering specials on her facebook page.  Make sure to check it out.

I used Lion Brand Baby's First Yarn in Sea Sprite.  This is a very chunky and thick blanket.  It was very quick and easy to whip up.  Next time I think I will use a less bulky yarn (probably back to my favorite- I love this Yarn from Hobby Lobby) as this one took 5 skeins and it wasn't a inexpensive yarn either.  Other than the cost, this is a perfect baby blanket!  I hope my friend's little man will love it!