
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dressed Up Wipe Cases Tutorial

Over the last year, I have been surrounded by pregnant friends.  There is a major baby boom going on, I am sure of it.  With all the Moms to be, there was a need to make some gifts.  I love making my crocheted baby blankets, but I also like trying out some new items.

In the next few posts, I want to share with you how to make Dressed Up Wipe Cases, Fancy Burp Cloths and Nursing Covers.  These are all items I was oblivious to prior to having children and now I wouldn't know what to do without them.  Of course, you can do without these, but they sure make life a bit easier and prettier!

Last year, I came across someone with a wipe case that was all dressed up.  I immediately thought, "I can do that!"  Off I went to test it out.  Well, let me tell you the first time was a huge fail.  My glue gun left huge clumps of hot glue all over the fabric and case, it was horrible.  The next time I took more care so that the case would look great.  Let me share with you how to make these cute little gifts.  Here is a preview of mine:

Supplies Needed:
  • wipe cases (found in the baby section of any store practically, very inexpensive)
  • quilt batting or felt  (small amount or leftover from other projects)
  • pretty fabric (great way to use up some leftover pieces)
  • ribbons, buttons, flowers and in other embellishments
  • glue gun
  • glue sticks
  • scissors
1.  Get your glue gun heating up.  While you wait empty the wipe case of the wipes.  You will want to open up the case to work with it easier.
2.  Cut two pieces of batting or felt to about 9 by 5 (check that these are the dimensions of your case).  It doesn't have to be perfectly cut as long as it covers the top of the case.
3.  Glue down the batting to the case with your glue gun.  Squiggles, lines, doesn't matter how you get it to stick.  Do this for the top and bottom.  Trim any excess it makes it hard for the fabric to adhere to the case otherwise.  You just want the exterior to have an added softness.

4.  Cut two pieces of fabric to approximately 9 by 5.  Once again check to make sure your case has the same dimensions as mine.  Perfection isn't needed again as we will trim and cover with ribbon.

5.  Position the fabric on one side of your box.  Make sure that it is centered to adequately cover all sides.  Glue the fabric to the batting.  Then apply a strip of glue directly to the edge of the wipe case (every 3 to 4 inches) and press down the fabric.  Trim any excess that goes over the closing of the case.  Repeat this process all the way around on both top and bottom.  Here is what your case will look like afterward.
6.  Now it's time to add some pretty to your case.  You can get as creative as you like here with embellishments.  I used a 1 inch ribbon on top.  Measure out your ribbon to fit the case from side to side. Center it on the case and glue from the middle out.  Glue on the edges as well.
7.  I bought a matching ribbon that was 3/8 of an inch (I think) and glued it to the edge of the top and bottom to cover up my fabric edges.  Start this at the back of your case and work around.  Either fold under your finished ribbon at the seam or use a lighter to seal the edges of the ribbon and glue down.

I didn't have buttons or a flower to add, but I liked just the touch of ribbon.  Here is how your case should look when you are finished.

There you have it.  A simple gift that makes changing a diaper a bit more enjoyable.  I made three for friends and since I was making them, I needed one for myself as well.

I hope you find this tutorial helpful.  I would love to hear what embellishments you would add to your cases and see your pictures!