
Friday, September 30, 2011

A Backyard Oasis, In the Works

Sometimes, I just need to brag on my awesome husband!
Because, he created this awesome "shack" for $50!
My husband, John, had visions of a beach in our backyard. We live in Georgia, many miles away from the ocean! I have no idea what prompted him to transform the woods in our yard to a beach, but... we're on our way to a real getaway.

He just started this transformation with only one building completed; however, he has plans for more to come.

The shack has working electricity and even a mini ceiling fan inside, to keep our princesses cool on hot days.

He's added a ton of water paraphernalia to the building to authenticate it.

He also built a dock the leads to my Granddad's Boston Whaler sailboat.  He built a platform for the sailboat, to make it stable, for the girls and their friends to play in it safely. 

John made all of this from recycled materials he had on hand.  The only thing he purchased was the metal roof ($50). Even the paint is mixed from paints he had on hand to get the desired color.

Now, to be fair, let me be honest, John is a builder.  His degree is in Construction Management and he owns a Home Remodeling business; therefore, he is not an amateur. We are lucky girls! He said this is just the beginning of his backyard oasis and he has many more plans.  I know a two and a half year old and a newly five year old that are excited to see what their Daddy has planned for his next structure.  Don't worry, I'll share it with you too!  (If you'd like to see more that John's done, check out his blog: