
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Jill's Fall Decorations

A few weeks ago,  I mentioned that I was decorating for fall.  I had a couple people ask to see what my decorations looked liked in order to get some ideas.  I wanted to share them with you.  I hope that my pictures and ideas might spur you on to add some new decorations.

I love Fall.  It is one of my favorite seasons.  There is nothing like the crispness in the air and time to cuddle up under a blanket.   I don't love winter, but I love all that leads up to it!

And the Winner of the Growers Outlet gift card is....

Congratulations to the winner of the Growers Outlet gift card.

5. Ruth said...

I would select Dianthus Firewitch to replace th ones I lost in my bed borders. (My hubby thought it would be easier to cut the tops off by mowing over them....needless to say, they didn't come back this year. Grrr!)

Please email us so we can make arrangements with you to get your prize. 

Thank you to all of you that participated. A special thank you to Growers Outlet for sponsoring this giveaway!