
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pinterest Picks of the Week 11/16

I'm sorry I didn't get to post any Pinterest Picks last week.  I had too much on my plate.  Of course I was still pinning, but I didn't have time to share some on here.  Hopefully, tonights will make up for the delay! (click picture for more details)

If Y'all ever wonder how I get anything accomplished, it is because I follow this motto except, I just take a nap everyday!  Some people function on caffeine, I function on naps!

Ava Cloche & Owl Earflap Hat

At the end of October, I got an order for two identical owl earflap hats and the Ava cloche.  I was excited to make these as I hadn't made the owl hat yet and it had been awhile since I did the Ava cloche. I think they turned out precious.  Take a look.