
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Making Your Own Dryer Sheet is Easy!!!

The truth is I love the smell of Downy. I also have a tendency to think dryer sheets make your clothes smell terrific! I've also been told that dryer sheets ruin your dryer so... thanks to adapting an idea I found on Pinterest, I think I found a solution.

So, here goes.  Pick your favorite liquid softener.  Find a washcloth or a hand towel and drench it in your fabric softener. Ring out any excess then let the towel dry completely. I hung mine over a chair and it made the house smell terrific during the two days it took it to completely dry.

When it's completely dry, add it to your dryer full of clothes anytime you would have added a dryer sheet.  You can reuse it until it's not giving you the desired effect anymore and then you just soak it again and keep going.

I've used mine about twenty times now and it still smells great so, I think this is another keeper. I'm guessing it took about five capfuls of Downy to soak mine which would make getting twenty uses out of it a great deal and mine's still going strong.

I hope you are as excited about this money saving, dryer saving idea as I am!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

I Made My Own Laundry Detergent..... AND.... I like it!!!

I've seen a lot of activity on Pinterest for homemade cleaners. People consistently said their versions were healthier, inexpensive, and worked well. I decided to jump on the bandwagon and try some of them.  I initially started with laundry detergent.

Here's my recipe:
4 bars of Fels Naptha bar soap
1 7 lb. container Oxi Clean
1 3.7 lb. box of washing soda
1 4 lb. box of Borax
1 4lb. box of Baking Soda (they were out of the 4 lb. box so I used 2 2 lb. boxes)
(All of these ingredients can be easily found in the laundry section at WalMart)

Here's what you do:
Grate the bar soap OR throw it in the food processor and finely chop it. Mix all the ingredients together.  Use two tablespoons of detergent per load.

Here are a few questions I've been asked:

Is it hypoallergenic?  Probably not but my daughter, who has super sensitive skin, hasn't had any problems with this detergent and we've been using it a few months.

How much does it cost to make?  This recipe is less than $20.

How much money do you save? Our laundry detergent bill is 25% of what it was.

How much does it make? It's about 20 lbs. of detergent. But, it lasts much longer than you'd expect since you don't use as much of the product as you do with your regular detergents.

Will it work in an HE washer?  It sure does!

How well does it seem to clean? Well, I've got two messy girls and a hard working husband and their clothes seem mighty clean.

How does it smell? It's slightly citrusy. The Fels Naptha is the only ingredient that really has a scent.  It's definitely a clean, light smell.

Are you apprehensive?  Here's a suggestion: go in with a couple of friends, split the batch, and see if you like it.  I have shared it with many.  All who have tried it report back that they like it and will be making their own. 

I wish you detergent making success.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Crazy Busy Moving in Progress

Life is all out chaos in my house.  We have three more days before we pull away from our Georgia home for the last 8 years.  We are incredibly excited about our new adventure in Ohio and what God will do with our lives there.

The last few days have been stressful for me as I have realized I have a ton more to pack than I originally thought. I wanted to relax these last few days and visit with friends.  Well, it is all those little things that are hanging over my head.  It amazes me that the remaining items can take up so many boxes!

I had every intention of writing up some posts before we returned the internet modem and made our move to Ohio.  Unfortunately, it just didn't happen.  Life just takes over sometimes.

I have some great crafts to show you, but I will need your patience.  Please stick with me and give me a couple of weeks to get moved and then settle in.  Then I will have some crafts to share with you.  Thank you for your patience and for your support!  I appreciate it!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Lion Hat

A couple months back a friend of mine sent me a picture from Pinterest of a newborn Lion Hat.  She asked if I would be able to make one for a friend of hers that was having a baby.  I found the perfect pattern for the Lion hat here and got busy on it.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Packing and Moving

Well, I am one week away from moving.  That explains the lack of posts last week, sorry!  I am trying to finish up the last remaining items that need to be packed.  We officially pack up the trucks on Memorial Day and drive up the following day.

It is very bittersweet to leave Georgia.  This has been our home for the last 8 years.  We've made fabulous friends here.  Our church family has been our adopted family and a huge asset. All will be greatly missed.   This is where all three of our children were born and where we truly became a family. I am trying to take each day, one day at a time or I might have a complete and total breakdown.

We are excited about this new phase in our life.  Moving to Ohio will be a big change but we will also be an hour away from our family.  I know they are incredibly excited.  Thankfully, we are moving in the summer so that we can slowly adjust to having a winter again.  I know our kids want snow this winter, I am just hoping for small amounts.

I feel sorry for anyone who has to move regularly, especially our military.  Packing and moving is by far one of the most stressful things in life!  This too shall pass!  I look forward to the unpacking phase as I will have help!  It will be nice to get settled and enjoy the summer as a family.

I will keep you updated on the progress of our move, until then I will share a few crafts that I have been working on over the last couple of months.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Various Teacher Gifts

Yesterday was the last day of Teacher Appreciation Week for my oldest son, Ryan.  I wanted the final gift to be a bit more.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Monogrammed bag

I think everyone needs a personalized bag.  Teachers can't have enough bags for all the things they are working on.  For those of you who have been around awhile, you might remember the tutorial I did for these monogrammed totes, last year.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Personalized Hand Sanitizer

A couple of weeks ago Shannon had a bunch of people over for a craft night.  It was a ton of fun to work on some teacher appreciation crafts with a group of ladies.  I think I might start that in the fall after my  move to Ohio.

One of the items that we made was a personalized hand sanitizer.  I've had this on my list to make for a long time, but just never got around to do it.  Thanks to Shannon, I got it made.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Teacher Cup and Candy

Yesterday's Teacher Appreciation gift is nothing that is overly special in the craft department, but a pleaser I hope.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Yellow Roses - Teacher gift

Last week was beyond CRAZY!  We had the boys birthday/goodbye party on Saturday and I took on WAY too much in the preparations.  Will I ever learn?  (Not likely!)  I can't wait to share the party with you, but it will have to wait till next week.

This week is Teacher Appreciation.  Each day I will showcase what my son is taking to spoil his teacher. You can never spoil a teacher enough!  They do so much that goes unnoticed.  Take the time to give back and show some much needed appreciation!

I have lots of cute items to give Ryan's kindergarten teacher.  The room mother had a daily list of things to give the teacher.  I am trying to follow the list with some additional crafty gifts!

The first day was the teacher's favorite flower; a yellow rose.  Well, I knew she would probably get a few bouquets worth and that they would eventually die off.  I wanted to give her something that would last and that she could use as a decoration.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Crock Pot Beef Brisket

I have a delicious recipe for Crock Pot Beef Brisket for you today.  I love anything in the Crock Pot.  It just makes my life easier.  Cooking beef brisket has always been a fear of mine.  It is one of those meats you don't want to mess up.  Thankfully, this is an easy recipe that makes the brisket moist and delicious.  I first had this over at our church secretary's home.  I was raving about it and I begged for the recipe.  She obliged and now I want to share it with you.