
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My Roadside Find

I'm sorry I haven't posted lately.  The summer has been overwhelming to me with still settling into the house, organizing, t-ball, church activities, meetings and on and on.  I am still trying to figure out that delicate balance and unfortunately, crafting and blogging have hit the back burner.  That might all change when you see what I found the other day. . .

I am not a garbage picker.  I just find that yucky.  I wish I was a garage sale person, but inevitably I always have all three kids with me when I see a good garage sale.  I find that it just isn't worth getting three young kids out of the car to potentially find a good bargain.

The other day while on our way to church for a splash day with the kids, I saw what I knew would be my first garage pick.  On the road out of our neighborhood, someone had put two wingback chairs on the curbside.  Oh, my heart started to beat faster.  I love wingback chairs and our budget doesn't have new furniture in it at all.  I knew I could work my crafting magic on this duo.