
Monday, November 29, 2010

Craft Sharing

      Crafting is an escape for Jill, Lesli, and me.  We love to get together and work on our latest projects. Unfortunately, with seven kids and three husbands between us, we don't always have the time to get together.  We still craft, when our little ones (and big ones) are tucked snuggly in their beds.  In the wee hours of the morning, you can find us working, ever so quietly, to check our craft projects off our lists.
      We've found that it's often financially and time wise to create in multiples.  By the time you buy the materials for a craft, you usually have plenty left over to make a number of the same projects.  So, you can form an assembly line and craft away.  What do I do with these extra crafts?  I share them.  Jill and I have become craft "swapping" experts.    When my daughter's recent bout with Strep kept me from a craft date at her house, I made the project here while she was making another project at her house.  Then we swapped them.  It worked out so well.  We spent less money and time than we would have had we done each of the projects on our own and we got two great projects!  We've actually done this a number times so our decorations are multiplying!
        So, next time you set out to create a craft, might I suggest you make it in multiples and find some buddies to swap with?  You'll soon have a plethora of great decorations for each holiday season.  (This same idea works well for cooking too!)

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