
Sunday, February 20, 2011

We won an Award! A Stylish Blogger Award!

We won our first award!  We feel very honored to receive the Stylish Blogger Award!
There are 4 rules we are to follow:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated us:
Thank you so much to Leasa from Funkymom Cards for blessing us with this honor!  We are truly appreciative!

2. List 7 things about us:
1.  I am completely disorganized.  I try to live an organized life but just can't seem to do so, especially since getting married and having kids.
2. I always knew I'd have a son... now I'm waiting on my daughters to pick my sons in law.
3. Music makes me happy, whether it be Montgomery Gentry, Taylor Swift, Stevie Nicks, Fleetwood Mac, Kenny Chesney, Lady Gaga, Katie Perry, or even Justin Roberts (a kids' artist).  I love to sing and dance (in private) to great music.

1.  I love to nap!  All those who know me really well know how much I love to nap.  (I don't answer the phone between 2-4pm).  Having three kids gives me a good excuse to get a nap.  Thankfully, I have them all going down at the same time.
2. I believe everything is better with a little butter and sugar!  Paula Deen would be so proud of me.
3. My favorite thing to do in the kitchen is dance with my kids. (You thought I would say cook!)  I love to turn up the music (oldies and 80s always do the trick) and swing them around and dip them.  Nothing better than a child's laughter.

Shannon and Jill
We love being mommies and we're both happily married to Kentucky raised boys.

3. We are to pass this award on to bloggers whose sites we adore
and let them know that we have nominated them:

Congratulations to:
Little Eme
Bunch of Craft
Little Miss Momma
Shabby Nest
I heart naptime
Little Birdie Secrets
Under the table and Dreaming
Aesthetic Nest
How Does She
Under My Umbrella
The Idea Room

4.  Contact the blogs we nominated:
You all have wonderfully Stylish Blogs!
Thank you for providing us with fantastic inspiration!

Don't forget to enter our 100 blog followers giveaway (here). We made it even easier to enter by taking away any mandatory entries.You have till Tuesday at Noon to enter!

Please vote for us!


  1. Thank you so much for passing along this award to me! Such a nice thing to discover on a Sunday evening! Congratulations on your award!

  2. I am disorganized and I love to nap too! Thanks so much for thinking of me for this award! YAY! and congrats to you for getting it too!!!

  3. Thanks so much for the award. I really appreciate you thinking of The Idea Room. I LOVE me a good nap...wish my little girl did too!


Thank you for commenting! We read every comment and try to respond back if we can. Thank you for making us feel special with your thoughts!