
Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Lighter Meal-Using Big Organic Garden's Goods

Here's just one reason I love getting great food from Big Organic Garden.

On the menu:
Grilled Basil Lime Chicken-This was super easy to make.  Thirty minutes before putting the chicken on the grill, I zested an entire lime on top.  I then squeezed all the lime juice on the lime.  I took about ten basil leaves and tore them and put them with the chicken.  That's it.  I then let it "marinate" and grilled it on low. It was delicious!
Grilled Portabella Mushrooms-I sprinkled salt and pepper on the mushrooms and put them on the grill (on low). They were really good.
Pears-I sliced them and put them on the plate.  Simple.
Raw Sugar Snap Peas-I washed them and put them on the plate.  It couldn't get any easier than that.

*All of the ingredients in this meal, aside from the lime, came from Big Organic Garden.

1 comment:

  1. Looks delish. I'll have to steal the idea for the chicken ;)


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