
Friday, August 5, 2011

Ladybug Slippers

I've liked many of my favorite crochet pattern makers Facebook pages.  I like to keep tabs on what they are creating and selling. One of the best things about following these pages is the chance to occasionally test patterns.

Well, I struck gold the other day!

I was on Facebook at the right moment when Tara Murray of Mamachee Crochet Patterns (one of our Great Things) asked for some pattern testers from her FB followers.  I got very lucky and she chose me to be one of her testers for her Adult Chloe Slippers.  Thanks so much to Tara for letting me test out one of your amazing patterns!

I was so very excited.  I even had an idea for my own spin on it.  Anna and I love ladybugs, so I did the slippers in red and black.  When I finished the slippers, I added some black circles for the ladybug's dots.

I love these slippers! They are super comfortable and soft.  Once again, I used my favorite yarn, I love this Yarn from Hobby Lobby.  I need to save up so that I can buy the children's pattern and make some of these for my sweet little Anna.  She needs ladybug slippers too, right?

I think I will also be whipping some of these for Christmas presents.  I need to get a jumpstart on all my homemade Christmas gifts!


  1. How cute those turned out...Very comfy looking
    Rachel from Our Creative Hands

  2. Aww Congrats I was up late & tried too but mamachee already had her testers. I am :o) Glad that you were one! & those slippers are THE NEATEST THING! Congrats again and slip & slide away like a ballerina around the house in your ladybugs! Xoxoxoxox

  3. Oh that is so nice of Tara! I've liked Mommachee on fb for quite some time now! I've also fb liked 7 Dwarves and reposted the contest so others might get to learn her wonderful crocheting. My fav pattern is the Oma House Slippers !

  4. Those are adorable! I love them. :)

  5. Those are adorable!!! Great job!

  6. SOOOO CUTE! I wish I was that crafty!

  7. really cute slippers!

    come share it over at my woot woot wednesday party!

  8. Super super mom use to make me slipper just like these <3

  9. Love it, great idea, thanks for sharing


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