
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Deployment Gifts

On Friday, my son's teacher contacted me to help her in honoring a student's step-father who is being deployed this coming weekend.  I was more than willing to help out.  The only problem is I was recovering from a nasty sinus infection and all creativity was out the window.  Thankfully, I asked many of your wonderful followers who were on Facebook for help.  The ideas that were shared were fantastic.  Thank you most of all to Sarah Hasse for giving me the ideas for the gifts I made!  I really appreciate it!

I made two gifts for the little girl who would in turn be able to give back to her stepdad.  I hope that she likes her gifts and that they help ease the time apart.

The first was a container that I got at Walmart for $2 and filled with Hershey kisses ($9, who knew these were so much).  I then cut vinyl  using my Silhouette with the words, "Kisses from Daddy."  I wrapped it with a pretty ribbon too.  Here is the finished product:
Now every day the little girl can get a kiss from her stepdad until he returns.

The second gift was an easy one and super inexpensive.  I love it when I can make something from items  I have on hand.  I used an empty diaper box and a lid from a printer paper box that I had laying around.  I had brown shipping paper and wrapped the box and the lid separately.  Then I added vinyl that said, "Special Moments from Daddy."

Ryan's classmate can store away special mementos that she wants to share with stepdad until he returns.

Ryan's teacher did a wonderful job honoring this father and the family.  She taught all the kids the different branches of the military and what each ones does.  For the party she had cookies that had red, white and blue M&Ms, a card signed by all the kids and a gift card from the class.  I brought these other gifts and some drinks.  Another parent brought some sandwiches and strawberries and blueberries.  It was a really nice party and I hoped it helped the little girl and her family.

I would love to hear other ideas you might have for families of a deployed soldier or for the deployed soldier.  I think it is really important to honor those who serve our country and their families.


  1. When I was deployed my mom baked pie is a mason jar and sent it to me. It was amazing and was so fresh everyone was in my bunk area when they knew I got a package. She also made banana and pumpkin bread. I made pecan pie for my husband and he loved it. Mom always sent me apple because it was my fav

  2. Hi Cayla, I was just wondering would you be able to send me instructions on you did the pies.. My husband is deployed right now and he loves pies, but Im not sure about how to do it so it doesnt spoil .. Thankyou sorry for the weird request..

  3. My boyfriend is in the military and is deploying in a few weeks. i wanted to get him something small that he could keep with him when things crazy and he couldn't talk to me. I bought a business card case at things remembered, had it engraved with "I'm not saying it's going to be easy, i'm saying it's going to be worth it" and put wallet sized pictures of me, my son, and us inside, so he can always carry us with him while he's away. :)


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