
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My Roadside Find #2

Two weeks ago, I found two wingback chairs on the curb in my neighborhood.  In case you missed those, you can see them here.

Well, last Sunday, I got blessed with another great roadside find.  My husband laughingly said, "We aren't picking that up too, are we?"

After closer inspection, I said, "Why not?"

My husband immediately turned around and headed back the church where we had left his SUV.  It was nice to have my husband's help this time.

Are you ready to see my big score?

This is going to be some major work for me!  The sun distorted the coIor of the couch in this picture.  It is green with pink and white flowers.  It is in excellent condition. I think I am working on a new living room set!

All I  need to do now is get two of my three kiddos in school, then I can have some time to start tackling this big project.  I can't wait to show you my before and after pictures.  I promise to teach you anything I learn during this process!

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