
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Eggs Sign-A Tutorial

I've had a lot of fun making signs recently.  My husband brings home great wood scraps, from the remodeling projects he does.  I go through them and snag  pieces seeing the potential for a phenomenal craft.
Here's the finished sign.
I started with a 5x12" 3/4" piece of Red Oak. I painted it Liberty Blue, an Apple Barrel paint. While the blue paint was still wet, I painted a Beachcomber Biege, an Apple Barrel color, through the blue. This gave the board great dimension.  I really like the way the background looks.

Using my Silhouette, I cut out the word "eggs" and "5c" in Segoe Print, 210 pt font size.  I cut it on vinyl.

Because I didn't have an actual cent sign, I used my exacto knife to create one out of the lowercase letter c. As you can see, I used the vinyl as a stencil.  I wanted painted words instead of vinyl.

I wanted to paint the words with the Beachcomber Beige color.

I painted, one direction, with a very light coat of paint.  I wanted the sign to look aged, not freshly painted.

After removing the vinyl, this is what I had.  My husband recommended changing the color of the "5c" to make it stand out from the "eggs".  I replaced the stencil (very easy to do) and painted over with a light green (Village Green by Ceramcoat) and then speckled it with brown (Brown Iron Oxide by Ceramcoat).

I found an egg clip art, cut it out in three different sizes, as a pattern, and traced it on the back of patterned paper. I cut out the three eggs.

I distressed the edges.  This one shows a picture of an egg I decided not to use. After arranging and rearranging I chose to keep all the eggs in the same paper.

Using Mod Podge, I glued the eggs down.  I let the Mod Podge dry for about thirty minutes.

I didn't want it to be obvious where the Mod Podge started and stopped.  In order to get the same look, I thought it was best to just Mod Podge the whole board.  It worked well.

Here's what the sign looked like after the Mod Podge dried and before I distressed it.

I got my handy mouse sander out and distressed away.

Here's a close up of the sign.  I think the distressing works so well!

It's done and I LOVE it! 


  1. I love it Shannon!!! Soo cute!

  2. Come live at my house and make it as cute as yours!!!

  3. I love it, too! I so want a Cricut and some distressing ink now! Maybe I will settle for the ink...


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. VERY cute! Perfect for Easter time! Did you know you could have very easily made the cent sign rather than using the exacto? In the software that comes with the Silhouette. It's SUPER easy! If you would like to know how, hit me up!
    Thanks for linking up to Making It With Allie! I can't wait to see what you have for next week!

  6. I love this! I am adding you to my pinterest and I am your newest follower ;)



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