A friend of mine, owns a business called Big Organic Garden. We've started getting a box of organic fruits and vegetables from her each week. Often, there are "unusual" things in the box that I wouldn't even think of trying on my own. This week, dandelion greens were in our box. Well, Mel also shares recipes to help us use things we may be reluctant to try otherwise. So, I tried this recipe she shared.
Dandelion Greens with Sausage and New Potatoes
I used very little oil. Maybe 2 TBSPs max. I also used chicken stock so there was no need to add any salt. I used Johnsonville Sweet Basil sausage. This sausage is raw when you buy it.
Honestly, this was really good. I served it in a bowl, like soup and didn't add pasta or rice.
I served it with a pear salad concotion I created with basil, pears, and fresh mozerella cheese, also purchased from Big Organic Garden. We had the strawberries and Italian dressing.
Pear Salad
A bunch of fresh basil
2-3 ripe pears cut in bite sized pieces
1 pint sliced strawberries
Fresh Mozerella Cheese-diced in small cubes
A small amount of Zesty Italian salad dressing.
This turned out amazingly well. I'm so glad I signed up for the weekly box of fruits and vegetables. Cooking with new ingredients is fun!
One more reason I should move to Georgia! So glad you all have this available. I see more and more of the fruit and vegetables at my local grocery from far away.