
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Crochet Dreamz Pattern Winners

We want to thank Shehnaaz of Crochet Dreamz for partnering with our Great Things and giving away two patterns to three of our followers!

Thank you to all who entered to win!  We welcome our new followers and thank all our loyal followers for making our blog part of your day!

On to our winners. . .

Winner 1:

40. Sarah @ Sarahndipities said...

So. Dang. Cute. I love the Boots for Boys and the Slippers...LOVE.

Winner 2:

18. Francie said...

I already subscribe by e-mail.
francieg at juno dot com

Winner 3:

11. Kreatita said...

I'm an email subscriber :)

Congratulations to our fabulous winners!  You  have 48 hours to contact us to claim their prize.  Please email us at if you won!

Have a great rest of the weekend!


  1. Yeah!!! I'm one of the winners :), I already emailed you :)

  2. I'm excited! I also e-mailed you.

  3. I'm so excited!!! Thanks so much!! WooHoo!

    ~ Sarah


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