
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Snow Cone Syrup Recipe

Shannon sold me on the Pampered Chef Ice Shaver that she featured a few weeks ago.    I told her about wanting one about two months ago and she suggested it. I got a deal on Amazon and I am loving it. I made snow cones for the kids and I for the first time and we loved them.

I wanted to share a simple koolaid based snow cone recipe.  I am all about getting more bang for my buck and for saving myself time. Therefore, I prefer to make a large recipe so that I don't have to make it every time I want a snow cone (which is daily with the heat).

Snow Cone recipe:
1 koolaid packet
4 cups of sugar
4 cups of water

Mix all ingredients in a small saucepan.  Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.  Allow to boil for 1 minute.  Cool completely prior to use.  Store in a airtight container.  I used my  rubbermaid drink containers for easy pouring.

Small Snow Cone recipe (for a few snow cones)
1 koolaid packet
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of water

Follow the same directions as the above recipe.

This makes delicious snow cones and the syrup tastes just like the ones at the fair!



  1. There's still plenty of summer left to enjoy this recipe. Thanks so much for sharing it and saving me quite a bit of money. :)


  2. Thanks Wendy! I hope that you enjoy the recipe!


  3. Thank you! My daughter loves snow cones, but with expensive syrups and limited flavors, I always seem to be telling her no.

  4. Excellent! I will use this...hopefully soon! Thanks for the recipe - it's pinned on my Pinterest board so I don't forget it too!

    Becky B.
    Organizing Made Fun

  5. Simple and inexpensive, thanks for sharing!

  6. Thanks so much!This will save me millions!I have a snow cone machine and we will use this recipe almost every day!!!Thanks for sharing!:)

    1. Thank you so much for the comment. I have my snow cone machine unpacked and I'm ready to make some myself. I hope you enjoy the recipe! ~jill

  7. So only one pack of koolaid for either recipe


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