Hopefully, you read the tutorial and now want to win one of you own. If you are new to the blog world and need help, check out theses tutorials that Jill posted. Helping those of you need to blogs Part 1 or Part 2 These will help you learn how to subscribe and more!
Here is how you enter this giveaway: (Make sure you come back and leave a comment below for every item you did!)
1. Leave a comment below telling us what treat you leave out for Santa.
2. Subscribe to our blog via email or RSS feed or tell us you already are a subscriber. Then leave us a comment below saying you are a subscriber.
3. Like our Facebook page or tell us you are already a fan. Then leave us a comment below saying you are a follower.
4. Follow us on Twitter or tell us you are already a follower. Then leave us a comment below you are a follower.
5. Repost our giveaway on Twitter or Facebook. Then leave a comment below with the link to your post.
***If you don't leave a comment on this post, we can't count you in the giveaway!*** We love getting emails, tweets and Facebook posts, but those won't count towards this giveaway.
5 Chances to win (separate comment for each). Giveaway ends on Dec. 4 at Noon. Get those entries in!
Hope you get to make Santa feel special!