The truth is I love the smell of Downy. I also have a tendency to think dryer sheets make your clothes smell terrific! I've also been told that dryer sheets ruin your dryer so... thanks to adapting an idea I found on Pinterest, I think I found a solution.
So, here goes. Pick your favorite liquid softener. Find a washcloth or a hand towel and drench it in your fabric softener. Ring out any excess then let the towel dry completely. I hung mine over a chair and it made the house smell terrific during the two days it took it to completely dry.
When it's completely dry, add it to your dryer full of clothes anytime you would have added a dryer sheet. You can reuse it until it's not giving you the desired effect anymore and then you just soak it again and keep going.
I've used mine about twenty times now and it still smells great so, I think this is another keeper. I'm guessing it took about five capfuls of Downy to soak mine which would make getting twenty uses out of it a great deal and mine's still going strong.
I hope you are as excited about this money saving, dryer saving idea as I am!